What's in a Name?

Not much but cuteness for our little girl. There was a time where I thought our baby's name would be so special and carry such a legacy to something. I refused to go trendy for the sake of having a cool and popular name; in fact I avoid them like the plague. I didn't want him or her to be 1 of 5 people in class with the same name. More importantly I wanted to use a family name. Our little girl was to be named Annie Kate... that's until the hubby shot it down! Annie is my first name and my great-grandmother's name and it is not over-used nowadays. Perfect! Well, Mr. Comerford said Annie is a nickname and he wanted our daughter to have more of a formal name. I guess when she becomes the doctor or lawyer or scientist that she will surely become she may want a more formal name.

After going through the best baby name book ever (thank you Jamie) a thousand times and agreeing on nothing, I had lost hope. Our baby girl was either going to be named Duchess or Will (the boy name we will eventually use if we have a little guy). I changed my Facebook status to ask for suggestions for names and got some great ones and some goofy ones, but got the right one. I still think it's a little Jetson's Space-age that I found my daughter's name on an internet networking site... oh well. A friend in Athens aka "The greatest place in GA" sent me a message with his suggestions, his wife's suggestions and his daughter's suggestions. The suggestions really didn't workout but his daughter's name stayed with me. I was hesitant to ask the hubby about another name because I didn't want another veto. I finally sent him an email with the name and he loved it! Yippee, let's jump for joy! We've learned through this process that people are very honest when it comes to their opinions on baby names. Most we have talked to love our name and some will say the "it will grow on me" or "not my first pick" comments, but everyone has their own taste and we are ok with that. Wait until they see how stinkin' cute she is! :)

I am no longer worried about our little girl's name and the legacy it holds. She will be very special and have her own little identity. Who knows, her name may one day be a legacy for her great-granddaughter. Plus, she will always be a reminder of a sweet family from a town I love. Thanks to Dan, Cory and Amelia for the inspiration. In August I look forward to introducing you all to Amelia Claire Comerford.

Here's a picture from out 18 week ultrasound.

By the way, we may have just secured us a house. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. Please say a prayer that we are following God's will. We should know something soon.


  1. I love, love, love your little girl's name. I too like the older names or names that are not used very often. We named ours Lauren Evelyn, Olivia Rose and Charlotte James. Since we knew we were not having anymore kids I really wanted to name Charlotte after my grandfather so she got James as a middle name. Some people don't like it but others do. I just wanted to honor my grandfather in some way. Amelia Claire will be such a blessing in your life!


    It really is the greatest baby name book ever. What does it say about Amelia?


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