Whirlwind Weekend

My weekend started with my husband saying "I know you are pregnant, but you really don't need to let this get you worked up. It's not a big deal." WHOA! We almost wrecked! Almost meaning, he just about got his lights knocked out and the only reason he did not was because he was driving and I was carrying precious cargo. I'm so sorry but I think when I am waiting on someone who was supposed to meet me almost an hour and a half ago and they are not here and are not answering their phone, that allows me to "get worked up". Especially, when it is the father of the child I am carrying! Even if pregnancy hormones are causing me to get worked up about something that is not justified, you probably shouldn't bring it up. FYI, if the hormones are raging, talking about them is not going to help! Of course there was an excuse, we all have them, and at some point during our hour and 45 min commute we became fine again. Why is it the people you love the most can drive you up the wall the quickest?

Anyway, we had a great dinner and evening with my parents and Hubby came home. Saturday morning Mom and I got up and went to the local Farmers Market on the square and it was so much fun. There were lots of natural and organic foods which is always good to see, but regardless it was all great. The best part was I got to meet up with a dear friend from high school, Pharron. He is living near my parents right now and he came to meet us. He and I re-connected on "The F&B" as he called it and I'm so glad we did! He is a women's fashion stylist (I suppose that's close to his title). Basically, you can hire him to dress, style and shop for you. I so wish I could afford him! I was walking around feeling pretty casual-cute for a pregnant gal until he started talking about his world and fashion. Suddenly I felt jealous and my cotton ensemble from Target wasn't quite as cute. Good thing I was starting to sweat so I did have a little bit of sparkly bling going on around the forehead area. Haha Plus, I know he's just a boy from the Gulf Coast at heart who happens to be absolutely fabulous!

Mom and I brought home breakfast which did not go over as well as planned. Breakfast was great, but Grandpa was not. It was not a good day for him. I tell you, all of these mental diseases are awful! I'm going to have to put them on the Why List for when God and I have a chance to talk face to face. I know everything is supposed to have a purpose and meaning, but I just don't get it. Nothing about a sickness that makes you lose your mind (literally lose your mind) makes sense to me. I won't go into details because the way man on Saturday was acting is not my Grandpa. I'll just leave it that it was a total wash for him. You know those days where you just want to go to bed and try it all over again? That was pretty much it. I just pray the doctors can find a way to help him and all other people and their caretakers in the same situation. In the meantime the Good Lord has given my Mother an extra dose of patience and strength. She really is amazing.

When everyone was good and frustrated it was time for the next event of the day, Sadie's first birthday party! The whole weekend trip was centered around this little girl's special day. Her Mom has meant the world to me for many years and now I love her and her Daddy just as much as I do her Mommy (almost... :) ) In one month Heather has thrown the perfect baby shower and the perfect 1st birthday party. She may have a 2nd career choice of party planner on her hands. Here are some pictures of the the cuteness...

I'm not sure if she is sharing with Mommy or trying to get her out of her photo-op!

It really does not get much cuter than this child

Sunday was just what the doctor ordered. I got to wake up in my own bed with my Hubby (who is no longer on my hit-list). We had breakfast and coffee then off to Sunday School and church for a great service and fellowship. After church we had lunch then headed to Babies R Us and Target to test drive strollers and pick up some odds and ends with gift certificates. The one downside for today was I did get an annoying email from someone that annoys the heck out of me. They always seem to come on Sundays and send me straight over the edge. Good thing I've been to church and can usually cuss about it to the Hubby and let it roll off. Do you ever think that some people are put in your life strictly to tick you off on a regular basis? I think it's a God test. He's using them to teach us something like patience or kindness or something to better ourselves. I just want to say, "I accept my F, fail me on this one and we'll talk about it later".

All in all it was a good weekend. It had some rocky moments, but it's ended on a good note. I am about to take my awesome strawberries Mom sent home with me to the couch and find something to watch on that silly box we pay way too much money for every month. I still think the cable companies should give us a summer discount.


  1. You, my sweet friend, are precious! I am glad that I didnt send you an email on Sunday ....
    We definitely need to talk.... I need to fill you in on the goods :)


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