Somewhere between Week 2 and 3

We were fooled! I heard from so many people "If you can just make it through the first two weeks, you will be good." So, the first to weeks we were AMAZING parents. We read Babywise and What to Expect and this and that from other books, but who needs it because we have the best baby ever and we are terrific parents.... then she woke up!

Amelia turned 2 weeks old on a Friday, fussed all night Saturday, and slept in on Sunday to recoup. We left Sunday afternoon to go to my parents for a few days and she was great. Not only was Amelia great, but my Mom was a lifesaver. I think I held my baby girl a total of 30 mins from Sunday to Wednesday afternoon. She slept with my parents and Mom would bring her in to nurse then whisk her away again. I did miss her even though I was looking at her most all day from across the living room. But I did not miss her enough to take her from her Grandma. In fact, it was a little nice to give my loving arms a rest and just stare at her from across the room. I got so much sleep and finished reading my book for book club.

By the way, please take the time to read Same Kind of Different As Me. You will not regret it! Seriously, go pick it up.

Anyway, we had the best time and I was dreading leaving all day Wednesday. I missed my husband and missed being at home but I was not ready to leave Grandma. Amelia had a breakdown on Tuesday night ~aka gas~ and Grandma just handled it. She knows SO many things that I just do not have a clue about. I fought back tears all the way home and when I told my Hubby my dilemma he put on his Daddy face and said "You have me here, it's okay." I looked at him completely serious with a quivering lip and said, "But we have no idea what we are doing!"

I walked out the door to go to bookclub (which was my saving grace for the day) and was comforted by a group of awesome women, some who are Mommies and some who are not. When I gave the run-down of my last two weeks emphasizing on the rough recent days every single one of the Mommies said "Oh yeah, almost 3 weeks, she woke up." She woke up? What does that mean? I have since learned that you get about 2 weeks off to regroup and recuperate before the little ones realize they are here to stay and start testing their lungs, sleep and your patience because they know you can't take them back. :)

We still have a wonderful baby who all in all is really not that fussy. We have some bad days here and there, but honestly there are days and nights where I'd sit around and cry until I couldn't breathe if I thought I could get away with it. With the help of a husband I thought I couldn't love any more that I already did (until I saw him as the sweetest Daddy on earth), a Mother who gets to return the favor her Mother gave to her and help me raise my sweet girl, a Mother-in-Law who surprises me by showing up on Thursday morning so I can have a day to take care of myself and get my closet back to normal and a handful of incredible women as a support system, advice line and constant source of encouragement, I think I'm going to be a good Mommy. At least I'm going to give it my very best. It does help that even on the rough days, I still have the cutest little lovebug I've ever seen in my whole life!

3 Weeks Old - We get this look a lot. haha She's a little lazy and likes to peek at us. It's awfully cute. Maybe she can be a pirate for Halloween.

"The truth about it is, whether we is rich or poor or somethin in between, this earth ain't no final restin place. So in a way, we is all homeless-just workin our way toward home." Same Kind Of Different As Me.


  1. Someone told me to read that book just this are #2. Which means.... I guess I need to read it.
    I love your little lovebug! I'll come down any weekend and give you a break! Love HER!
    Love you and B too :)

  2. XOXOXO and prayers to you three. She is precious! I love the popeye!

    I need to come by and see you guys sometime.


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