School Days

Amelia just completed her first full week of school. She is going to a preschool program at a church in town from 9-1. It is perfect for my schedule and we are excited about her being involved with other children.

The week started a little rough because she still has not given up that morning nap. We heard "she is so sweet, but she doesn't want to go to sleep when she is tired". Yes, we know. We have been there for a whole year. They finally figured out the baby girl still loves to swing. So if she gets cranky, they lock her in and turn it on. They still do this at our church on Sundays. Some days she naps and some days she does not. We have heard that she is the most expressive child, which we also knew. By the end of the week everyone was on the same system and things were smooth sailing.

It took 1 week and 1 day for me to get my first piece of refrigerator art but it is finally here! I open her sweet pink and green book bag everyday looking for something special and all I find is unused diapers. That was the story until today.... there is a picture of a tree with stickers of apples all over it hanging front and center of our refrigerator!

Here are some pictures from Amelia's first day of school - 08/23/2010

Notice there is only one picture with the bow. She has started taking them out and throwing them down. It makes me sad!

And we are off

"Bye-Bye Mama" So excited for school!


  1. Oh how precious!!! I would love to see the art though. I am feeling very left out without a picture of the art!! I think that needs to be displayed on the web for all the world to see!! I love you ACC! You are the cutest thing!


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