Baby It's Cold Outside

But we are all toasty in the inside! 

Today Amelia had her first sippy cup of hot chocolate.  I only gave her a little bit of mine and she cried when it was gone.  I do that too sometimes! :)  I am guessing she liked it.

Our frontier man just left to go to the farm, or perhaps a roadside pick-up truck if he passed one of those first, to get a load of firewood.  Tonight will be our first fire of the year  It's a day full of firsts on this 7th day of November!

I also have peanut butter cookies to put in the oven a little later.  It will be a snugly, toasty Sunday night at the Comerford house.

Do you have Sunday traditions?  Sunday seems to be our only consistently traditional day.  We eat breakfast, run late to Sunday school, Big church, then we pick up Cracker Barrel to eat at home (avoids the wait of Sunday lunch-ers).  The man of the house watches football while 2 or all 3 of us nap.  At some point in the afternoon he leaves because he just absolutely can not sit still in one place all day, then he is back.  We either grill out or make grilled cheese and soup or some sort of gourmet cereal (like Lucky Charms or Peanut Butter Crunch or Fruity Pebbles).  The little girl goes to bed at 7:30.  At this time we pull out the dessert and wine, hot chocolate or hot tea and we catch up on our DVR recordings of How I met your Mother and SNL followed by Desperate Housewives.  

Sundays also seem to be our night to talk. It is usually a pretty peaceful day (with the exception of everyone being snippy with each other in the morning because we are always late).  It's our time to be on neutral ground, when emotions are not running high, to talk about our frustrations and hurt feelings etc from the week.  We seem to get a lot vocalized and accomplished this way.  We definitely do not have the perfect marriage and Lord knows we do not have it figured out.  However, one of the big things we have going for us is our ability to communicate. I think your willingness to listen is one of the greatest ways to show love for someone.  I just have to practice keeping my big mouth closed to do so! ha! 

I LOVE Sundays!


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