The Christmas 2010 Collection

As I say every single year, the end of the year gets the best of me.  Work is busy, holidays are nuts and I am exhausted.  So, now that I have enjoyed my winter blogging break, it is time to come out of hibernation and catch you up...

Hear is the short-ish story of Comerford Christmas 2010

Following the Christmas tradition Me, Amelia and Aunt Jamie bundled up to start the Christmas season off right, the Christmas Parade!  Daddy had to walk in the parade again this year so we met some girl friends and enjoyed our night.  Amelia was amazed by all the sounds and lights.  I don't think she blinked once!

 Amelia wore the same outfit she wore last year, just a few sizes bigger.  "I LOVE THE PARADE!"

 These were her warm undergarments! Ha!

Our first Christmas party was so much fun! We spent the afternoon with friends at the Country Club making reindeer food and an ornament
 Making Reindeer Food

 Santa was also there but Amelia was not a fan

 It was better with Mama

We also got Christmas presents from Houston! 

Amelia had her first candy cane this year and would not put it down.  She finished the whole thing! 

In fear that the little girl would pull every piece of greenery off our tree, we borrowed Grandpa and Grandpa's artificial tree.  It is a beautiful tree, but I was a little sad not having a real tree for the first time.  It sure was nice not having to water or vacuum though!

 And of course, the pink tree made her appearance again this year

 Amelia and I made cornflake wreaths one night. She wanted to eat the corn flakes without the marshmallows on them.  Silly girl! Maybe the green threw her off

Christmas party #2 had a Santa as well.  Our friends make a wonderful Thai lunch and open their beautiful home to all of their friends.  Amelia loved Claire's Thai meatballs but did not like Santa at all

My most favorite event of the Christmas Season!!  The Meadows came to spend the night with us in December.  I miss a lot of people from home but these sit on the top of my list.  I wish there was a way to decrease the distance between our houses.  Perhaps we could get the guys to go in together and buy a helicopter?
While they were here we went to a town nearby that has a free carousel during the holidays.  We thought the girls would love it, but really, we all did!  It was all lit up and decorated and played Christmas music.  I will say it was the fastest carousel I have ever been on in my life!
 Daddies and their Girls

 Heather, Sherman and Sadie

 Ummm.. why didn't our picture turn out as cute as theirs?

 "Yay!", said Amelia.  She loved the horsie

 Such a fun night!

So we learned the trick! Apparently you have to pay the Phipps premium (and stuff her mouth with a Chick-Fil-A nugget) to get Amelia to smile with Santa. Whatever it takes.  It worked!

On Christmas Eve we headed to Snellville.  Mom and Amelia played outside a lot of the afternoon.  Amelia rode her tricycle for the first time.

That night we put out the reindeer food we made

 Christmas morning was a lot of fun!  Amelia was helping us open our presents in between playing with her own

 She also used them as chairs! HA!  Daddy got a smoker he'd been wanting and we also got those black bar stools you see in the picture. We have enjoyed both of them this past month.  Grandma and Grandpa always get you just what you need. They are fantastic Santa's!

 After a busy morning, Amelia slept all the way home.

The Comerford Christmas was a whole different ball game!  Nana and Pa cooked a wonderful lunch.  Then with 4 children on Christmas day, there was paper and boxes flying all over the living room. It is amazing how completely different our two Christmases are and we wouldn't change either one of them!

We got home and were resting on the couch when we heard Amelia up to something in the kitchen
She got herself a piece of tissue paper (aka changing pad), smoothed it out, got her baby, then got a diaper and started changing her.  She has done this a few times since Christmas, but that night was the first.  She is a funny girl.

Then, all of a sudden it started to snow and we had our White Christmas!

Amelia watched from inside so she didn't mess up her new "hat" Daddy bought her for Christmas

The day after Christmas, it had already started melting pretty quickly.  It doesn't matter though, we still had a White Christmas and it was beautiful!

Our church made these lawn signs to tell of the birth of Christ.  They caught a lot of eyes, as you can imagine. One friend actually called me and said "I was just driving by your house and almost wrecked!  Then I read the bottom of the sign." I loved them and can't wait to see them go up again next year! 

I hope your Christmas held as many blessing as ours!
Merry Christmas!  Love, The Comerfords


  1. Awe, you made me tear up and sniffle. It was the high light of our season too! Y'all are at the top of my list of people I wish I could see more often. It is always so easy, natural, and fun to be around you (and your family). I love it.
    Who knows...maybe someday we'll live in the same town again! I hear there are good retirement communities near the beach!


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