A Most Pleasant Pre-Op
Today was pre-op day. This week has been looming for a few months. I really wanted to wait until Amelia got out of school to do her surgery because she really enjoys her school and her friends there, but MAN, this has been torture. Between multiple sleepless nights a month with a somewhat-newborn and stressing over surgery, I have not been functioning anywhere near full capacity.
But it is here. Honestly, I feel much better today than I have since we first found out about the cholesteatoma. I have had visions of holding my baby down while they put in iv's or a gas mask and all kinds of other crazy nonsense. At pre-op today we found out that Amelia will get some "goofy juice" after arriving to the hospital. After she is good and goofed up we will go back and they will put gas on her. Once she is asleep, then we will leave her in very capable hands. No iv's or poking or prodding of any kind will be done until she is sound asleep. Hopefully the gas mask will not be a big deal since she is used to breathing treatments.
Mama's stress, worry and guilt over this surgery has added up to Amelia getting a lot more of what she wants... suckers at breakfast, sweet tea at lunch, cookies 24hrs a day, m&m's at the store and last night sleeping in our bed. Grandpa was sick so we all went down to Nana's for a slumber party. At the start of the night I thought it would be fun to have all four of us in the bed. Envisioning sweet snuggles and all that unrealistic stuff. Well, Annie is used to sleeping on her own and she is a mover and a shaker. The child takes up her entire crib. She likes her space. She tossed and turned all night long! A-L-L Night! Amelia moves all over the place all night long too so it was a complete mess! Each time I try this I remember that a bed is made for 2 people and there is a reason we bought these two girls their own bedroom furniture!
Sweet Snuggles at 9pm
Still holding tight around 2am but all kinds of stretched out.
Obviously it is keeping me awake if I am taking pictures!
7am. 3 of the 4 family members slept great!
Mama had no room at all and was a bear to deal with most of the day thanks to very little sleep. Luckily, the girls and I had naptime around 3pm
While we LOVE our pediatrician, the clinic she is at is a little less that desirable. I suppose all doctors offices have long waits, but a two hour wait with two children at naptime is probably very similar to hell. If hell is any worse than that, I am extra thankful for my salvation! And it is my fault for scheduling an appointment at naptime. And children need special attention which takes longer. I get it and understand it, I just don't like it! Anyway, the waiting room and staff at Children's Healthcare was a welcome change. Even the clerical staff knew just what to do to occupy the little ones. Silly bands, games, books and coloring sheets were a great start. I was actually able to sit there and enjoy a cup of coffee while we waited. Plus, I'm sure it helps that this is a specialist and there are no flu, rsv, blah blah blah germs floating around.
White baby enjoyed her visit as well and she checked out just fine.
Thankfully, we saw the nurse practitioner rather than the doctor. Amelia is anti-boys right now (which is fine with us). Dr. Sipp was SO wonderful with her at our last visit, but she would not have it. We tried to hype her up today telling her he was Dr. Hunnicutt's boy (I hope his wife is understanding of this) and he was a really nice fun boy like Daddy, but it did not work. I was so relieved when lady nurse practitioner walked in and said "I will be doing your pre-op today". It really was a great visit! Seriously, the appointment went much better than lunch at the mexican restaurant afterwards. Eating out with an almost 3 year old and a 4 month old is impossible! How is it what two little people out number two full grown educated adults?? Mama and Daddy left the doctors office with a peace about the surgery and Amelia was a great patient. I'm sure it had something to do with the silly bands, stickers, sucker and playing drums with tongue depressors. While I still HATE we are going through this, I am so thankful we are going through it with these people. Our minds and hearts are extra thankful for this special group of physicians and staff.
Surgery is Friday morning. We appreciate all your thoughts and prayers!
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