Sweet Land of Liberty
4th of July was a blast! I only wish they would pick a designated Friday to celebrate Independence Day rather than always having it July 4th. We do this for other holidays, why not this one? Even though it was smack in the middle of the week and there were work days on each side of it, we still enjoyed the festivities.
Our town has the Sweet Land of Liberty parade where children (mostly mothers) decorate floats, wagons, strollers, etc and we march around the downtown blocks. It is a really sweet tradition! It's amazing how many people come out to watch all these little kiddos parade around. Amelia was a hoot! Once we got up to the church and the square where the majority of people were gathered, she started waving and did not stop. You would have thought she was Santa Claus in the Christmas parade!
Going with the theme of potty training... the Dora Potty travels. I don't think you get ticketed for tee-teeing in a Dora potty in the Suntrust parking lot. Do you?! When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Our town has the Sweet Land of Liberty parade where children (mostly mothers) decorate floats, wagons, strollers, etc and we march around the downtown blocks. It is a really sweet tradition! It's amazing how many people come out to watch all these little kiddos parade around. Amelia was a hoot! Once we got up to the church and the square where the majority of people were gathered, she started waving and did not stop. You would have thought she was Santa Claus in the Christmas parade!
Even Daddy joined in on the fun!
Amelia decided she was too cool to ride in the stroller and opted for the wagon with her friends
Aren't they cute?!
Some of our fans snapped this picture for us. ha!
After the parade we had family nap time then it was off to the lake for swimming and fireworks. We got a sitter for the little babies and took the big girls out for a special afternoon. This was the first time Amelia had seen fireworks. The first few pops startled her and "sounded like stunder" but once she saw the fireworks in the sky she loved them. It really is so much fun watching your little creations experience things for the first time. I'd go as far as to say that it is magical
Getting ready to go out on the boat.
It's sad the lake is so low, but at least it makes a nice beach :)
Amelia came REALLY close to jumping off the back of the boat but got nervous and decided to jump of the side. Over and over and over again
Fireworks on the lake were pretty darn magical
We missed baby Annie, but it was a special evening for big sister
A BIG thanks to those who work tirelessly to keep our country free so that we can enjoy things like parades, fireworks and tee-teeing in public.
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