When Daddy is away...
When Daddy is away the girls will play! Doing things like...
Having dinner on the table. Amelia feeds her baby as Mama feeds Annie
We took down the other big swing and put up Annie's baby swing all by ourselves.
Annie loves to swing!
Stroll around the 'hood.
I do love my double Bumbleride (even though Ben thought it should have come with a motor for the price), but I am not a huge fan of the hills in this neighborhood. Good greif!
The Princess asks to sleep in her tutu and her wishes are granted.
This was Daddy's first week long trip since we've been at our new house. Guess who was a fraidy-cat? ME! We've been here a few weeks but being here myself was like starting over. Luckily Amelia in her tutu and big girl panties was in the bed to protect me. I actually felt bad about leaving Annie in her bed. Like I was throwing her to the wolves or something. She sleeps so well in her bed and that's about the only place she will sleep.
I would make a stiff drink before going to bed hoping it help me fall right to sleep. No such luck. By the end of the week I was running on fumes and had way to much trash tv on the brain. Good news is that no one got Annie, or us and now Daddy is home. Time for a nap!
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