Learning to Like to Cook
I do not hide the fact that I do not like to cook. I have no idea why, but I just do not enjoy it. There was a short time period (pre-babies) where the hubs and I would hang out in the kitchen together or on the back porch grilling and that was a lot of fun. We would snack on cheese and crackers and drink wine while cooking together. It was relaxing and fun. Those days are gone for a while...
We joke that cooking skips a generation in our family. My mom learned to cook from her Grandmother and she is a great cook. My Gaga, my mama's mama, hated cooking. She would whip up a lemon icebox pie every now and then but that was about it. Then there is me. So, so far it is every other generation which means Amelia should be a chef.
Regardless of family history, I am bound and determined to get her to enjoy cooking more than her Mama. Truthfully, that will not take much! Since we have passed No Cook December and are now on to a New Year, I have brought her into the kitchen with me. She is off to a good start!
We joke that cooking skips a generation in our family. My mom learned to cook from her Grandmother and she is a great cook. My Gaga, my mama's mama, hated cooking. She would whip up a lemon icebox pie every now and then but that was about it. Then there is me. So, so far it is every other generation which means Amelia should be a chef.
Regardless of family history, I am bound and determined to get her to enjoy cooking more than her Mama. Truthfully, that will not take much! Since we have passed No Cook December and are now on to a New Year, I have brought her into the kitchen with me. She is off to a good start!
Side note: My Mom informed me that you can pit cherries by smashing them underneath a knife just like you bust op garlic cloves. No cherry pitter needed in this house!
We made Bing Cherry Crisp
It was Yummy!
Tonight we made Clean Eating Smashed Sweet Potatoes
(smashed, not yet cooked)
And earlier in the week we made Lemon Rosemary Chicken.
Let's not forget about our kitchen supervisor!
Cooking is still not my most favorite thing but it is much more fun with my Sous Chef!
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