I had a boss once that has 4 little (no longer little) girls. While I'm sure he and his wife are not perfect parents, they did a lot of things that stuck with me. A few of them we do in our own house almost 10 years later.
One thing he talked about doing at dinner was High-Low. You will go around the table and tell your highest point of the day and the lowest point. It's a great conversation starter and you learn about everyone's day. Here is my High-Low for today...
One thing he talked about doing at dinner was High-Low. You will go around the table and tell your highest point of the day and the lowest point. It's a great conversation starter and you learn about everyone's day. Here is my High-Low for today...
High! Seeing this activity in the backyard. Everyone likes to see their grass being cut, but especially when it's done by a cute husband. Not to mention Amelia wanted to drive around the yard with him in the Barbie mustang! This was a precious moment!
Low! Amelia also thought it would be a great idea to write an "A" on my car with a ballpoint pen! I blame this totally and completely on her Grandma. My mother will stick a magnetic University of Alabama A on anything that will stay still long enough. Just so you know, Clorox Foaming Bathroom Cleaner will take pen off a car. Truthfully it was not really a low because it was so stinking funny!
Low was actually dropping her off at school and her whining and crying and acting like a turd because she was tired and grumpy this morning.
Annie was awesome and fun all day long. Another high! Year one of life has not been my most favorite year with either girl. Annie has good days and bad days but knock on wood, the good is starting to get more and more (this week anyway! ha!) I think the fresh air and great weather is helping everyone!
Love the mustang and totally giggling about the "A" on the SUV because I really think your mom has her brainwashed about Alabama! Better start saving for out of state tuition! :)