Pardon the Interruption
Do you or your spouse watch that show on ESPN? It drives me crae-crae! Too much energy and interruptions over things I do not remotely care about. Bunch of fast talking nuts!
Anyhoo.... I apologize to all my loyal fans (all 3 of you) for the blogging break. It seems life got in the way of fun stuff like sitting on the computer andtalking typing about life. So, as I am known to do, here is a run down
Anyhoo.... I apologize to all my loyal fans (all 3 of you) for the blogging break. It seems life got in the way of fun stuff like sitting on the computer and
Things like this totally get in the way. When I have a free second to do anything there is inevitably clean underwear and towels in the dryer yelling for me to fold them. I H-A-T-E doing laundry! Some afternoons I feel like I have a part time job at the laundry mat. It is my least favorite chore ever!
I always wanted a big dining room table... sigh...
Annie is not as fond of vegetables as her sister. Note for all the mothers of babies... if you feed a child fish sticks and spaghetti-o's when they are little because you are exhausted, they will eat fish sticks and spaghetti-o's when you are no longer exhausted. WAIT, I am still exhausted, that's why I've subcontracted out the veggie feeding task to the 3 year old.
Seriously, I was such a stickler on feeding Amelia vegetables and she now loves them. I was a complete slacker with Annie. Do you think it makes a difference? Seems to in my house.
Oh, the grass! We did not overly think about the grass situation when we made the move to the ponderosa. There is a TON of it to cut! And while my lawn man is awfully hot, he doesn't get so excited about the multiple hours a week it really takes to cut and weed-eat this place. It's a good thing he is good looking or I'd fire him!
This afternoon Amelia was "helping" him by riding around the yard in her Barbie 'Stang while in a princess dress. I do believe Annie was asleep and I was on the back patio with wine. I'm a great supervisor!
Where there is work there is also play!
Sunday afternoon we went fishing. By fishing I mean Amelia and Daddy fished for about 5 mins until she got bored then we all went to ride 4 wheelers
Annie's first ride was a slow one, but she had fun! Can't you tell?! haha Look at that face!
Amelia had her tap and ballet recital. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. She was so proud to wear a bun (ummm.. nub) like the big girls and she got to put on makeup too. She found a sequin on the stage which she called a sparkle and had to pick up and carry around. It basically stopped the show for a few seconds. The whole crowd laughed out loud. I loved being the Mama of that kid!
Last week was also her last week at her preschool. She starts Pre-k at big school in August and that BLOWS MY MIND! How did that happen so quickly? This is her first and last day from this year. What a great experience she has had!
Annie hasn't had any major milestones, but day by day she gets cuter and cuter. I could have never imagined she would have this much personality. She brings laughter and joy to us daily. She is already a Daddy's Girl. It's really pretty darn sweet how attached to him she is!
I usually only have to play catch-up blog around the end and first of the year. Mid-year is a special treat. I've decided May is going to be the busiest and most expensive month of the year for the next 22 years or so. Well, maybe right behind December. Between recitals and end of the year parties and teachers gifts and yearbooks (yes, we did that for a 3 year old) and class pictures and the list goes on. June should definitely be a month or at least a few weeks of rest!
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