I'm Back... Probably... Maybe

It's been soooo long!  So long that it took a large amount of naptime to even remember what email address (much less password) I used to sign into my blog.  I've felt a stirring for a little bit that I wanted to bring my thoughts back to this place but I wasn't sure that I have time for that.  I'm still not sure I have time for that.  But after weekly comments of "you should write a book!" "I want the first copy of your book!" I say, let's give it a go.  Not to the book. To those of you I say, "no one wants a novel full of one liners and that's pretty much all I got!"  But I do want my thoughts in one spot. Not for you, for me.  But if they bring you joy then enjoy reading along.

This blog may only show up once a week or once a month or twice a year. As it is I'm trying to keep 3 babies alive and clean, keep a house free of germs and grossness and love on a husband.  Andddd sometimes I wash my hair.  So we will see how all of this fits in.

But there are some things I want to remember. Like last week when everything seemed to be attacking from all sides and I was defeated and what was looming over my thoughts the most was wondering if I should go back to work.  If I was really called to be home and if I'm doing my kids any good here. Because always yelling because "this house is a mess" and "I'm not a maid" and "I'm so sick of this" doesn't seem nurturing! 😬  But a friend who knows me well and is precious to me swept up Will for the morning so I could get some things done and regroup. On the way home all I heard was "get in The Word.  Time will be allotted for the rest."  I was so frustrated and I did not know where to start so I opened my bible study notes to read.  Question 3 said "What did you learn about praising God in every situation? Read Psalm 34:1-10 and comment."

Written on Psalm 34:1-10 are the notes where Ben and I prayed about me staying home. And the answer to that prayer on 3/1/2016 when I did indeed come home. 

Have fun reading my back story.  I need a lot of Jesus!  And there is so much in between that blog and this blog that you've missed.  I hope one day to fill you in.  But right now today there is a lot going on.  Life is messy, but there are so many nuggets of goodness I want to remember.  

And with that I say "we shall see..."


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