Reckless Love

I first heard this song when the Passion Band performed it at Passion 2018 and I LOVED IT!  The words are so powerful. Truthfully it's been hard listening to it on the radio after first hearing it in a live worship experience.

We have been on winter break, with amazing spring time weather, which means I've been walking a fine line of letting my children have an absolute blast and not completely wearing myself out. I teetered over that line at one point and was D-O-N-E!  Done with all of the things and people. The worst thing you can do when you are defeated with life is get on social media and look at people's perfect little squares of life.  The ones where the moms make themed meals (or just cook in general) for their sweetly dressed children who are sitting nicely on stools at the beautiful, clean and custom built island.  Oh and Mom is wearing makeup, a cute outfit and even better shoes!  But that's where I went. 

A feed of normally really pretty squares I follow wrote these words "Every night after I tuck my kids in bed and watch them sleep I go sit in my bed and I think about all the things I did wrong as a mom that day...Being a mom is hard... most days I feel like I'm failing as a parent. Most days I'm exhausted beyond belief. Many days I want to cry and some days I do cry. Being a parent is also rewarding. There is a new Luke Bryan song that says "most mamas ought to qualify for sainthood." So here's to all us Moms just doing our best trying to raise happy and well balanced kids. It ain't an easy job but nothing worthwhile is." WHAT?!?! Are you reading my mind?  Why aren't we friends in real life?? I mean obviously I'm small minded because if you have on pretty clothes, your children's hair is not a hot mess and you are involved with your kid long enough for one snap, you've got me completely snowed.

So other moms get it too.  But truthfully that doesn't help Monday morning drearies in my house. My stress relief is cleaning to good music.  It comes in handy to be honest because my house is pretty much always clean. Toys are everywhere but the floors and countertops under them are clean. I turned on YouTube and this was the first in the playlist Reckless Love - Live Oooohhhh it was good!  And all those pretty, Jesus loving people on stage.... yes!  Then at about minute 5:32 Cory starts speaking. And I sat on the rug at the foot of my bed and cried and then I replayed the video.  And then I prayed.  I love a good song! I really love a song story!  I love when God uses a song and a song story to encourage me!

I sent this text to a small group of my people. "Since whenever I texted y'all Will has hit me in the face with a golf ball, a stick and a plastic golf club. And he finally broke the remote throwing it.  His anger is ridiculous! School is a mess, 3rd grade is harder than it should be {and details of some other things that just simply are hard in life right now}. I turned on YouTube (in my bedroom bc we can not longer work the living room tv - remember the broken remote? and this song came on....He sees it all! He gives everything for the one!  It's so encouraging that we are always seen and never alone.  And even when it does not seem like it, he has his eyes on every situation and looks at it more intimately than even we do with it right in front of our face. So encouraging!"

There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than  99 righteous people who don't! God is not reckless but the way he loves is quite so. Sometimes down right ridiculous. He simply puts himself out there on the off chance that you and I may look back at him and give him the same love in return. Leaving the 99 to find the one is not logical concept for most practical adults. What if he loses the 99 in finding the one?  What if?  Finding the one is and will always be supremely important. That is where he lost me.  Listen to the whole thing for yourself as I left some things out. 

"Finding the one is and will always be supremely important." Life is hard. It's easy to feel like a lone solider in your own home or at work or school or everywhere you turn.  Being a believer doesn't make it any easier. If you have heard some kind of prosperity preaching that has told you this lie, I would encourage you to find your way into another body of believers.  Ones that are running the good race weathered and tired but with a glimmer in their eye because they know it's worth it.  That's where you will find true, gospel encouragement. On Monday morning "finding the one" for me was hearing Him say "I see you. I know all of this.  I know it's hard. I know you are tired.  Is it small in the whole scheme of life? Yes.  Is it small in the light of eternity? Yes.  But right now to you it is big and right now to me it is big because you are mine and I see you."

I love social media!  I hate that it gets such a bad reputation. I mean do I believe it's the devil's playground?  YES! But when used for fun, positive things and in a way to not take yourself too seriously, it's awesome.  Just keep everything in it's place. I was one with my instafriend!  I mean "I'm feeling you sister!"  "We are in this together precious friend who I've never met!" But my true comfort and true companionship came sitting on my floor with the one who created me and knows me more intimately than anyone else ever could.  The one who knows my thoughts before I speak them and is ready to comfort me as soon as I open my heart. The one who calls me to repent daily and reminds me of the dangers of living a righteous lifestyle.  Not to punish me but to show me his love.  I hope you have this hope.  And if you don't, how in the world are you surviving motherhood?  I need to know all the ways!

Also, if your toddler is violent and likes to hit you with sticks could you please help a sister out?  What do I do with this nonsense?  I have heard if you have a hitter, not to hit them have with your hand so I have a wooden spoon.  And Will said "I will see your wooden spoon and raise you a golf club." Jesus be near. So so near....

Speaking of love.  These are the things I love the most. The ones that do me in in all the good ways and bad ways.  A friend once told me "Of all the things the Lord could use to humble you, He gave you three precious children."  Those words have been a life line over the last year and a half.

He hits me with sticks and golf clubs. He has a temper that could conquer Hitler. He gives the sweetest kisses, has gross puppy dog breath and the sweetest chubby baby fingers I've ever seen.

They are space cadets who are often on another planet.  They love the social aspect of school and that's about it. They fight like sisters do and are 2 of my most favorite things ever. This is such a sweet sweet season with these two. Other than the messy room and constantly missing shoes, water bottles and socks. I'm praying it lasts long enough for me to get my crap together, chill out and enjoy it.

The one who helped me create all this chaos.  The Lord knew exactly what he was doing when He gave me this man.  I'd be an absolute mess without is balance, consistency and love in my life.


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