Make It Work!!

I have been waiting months for the season premier of Project Runway and it is finally here! I can never decide if I have a bigger crush on Tim Gunn or Heidi Klum, they are both so stinkin cute! The Hubby is at his Gridiron meeting (which is basically Junior League for boys in my opinion except they do not have service hours) which means I can watch my most favorite show without interruption or quiet eyes rolling at the tv. Or at least that's what I thought...

They say "a baby really changes things" well, our sweet Amelia is not wasting any time. I suppose I forgot to mention to her how important these few hours of television on August 20th would be to her Mommy. I have felt pretty crummy all day and have had back pains on and off with no rhyme or reason. I decided ordering a pizza and having a date with Tim and Heidi would do the trick. Ummm... not so much. My back pains have been every 4 to 6 mins but only last about 30 to 45 seconds. I called my sweet friend who is a labor and delivery nurse to explain the situation (and to make sure the hospital has Lifetime just in case). Apparently these are not active labor contractions because they need to be closer to two minutes. So, I sit on my couch with a pen, paper and watch and try my best to watch my show. Mommy just needs a few more hours and you can have me for the rest of your life.

By the way, I just went to take a shower and wash my hair just in case I have to go to the hospital. I packed all of my bags and they are ready to go. You know what this means, right? I won't go into labor tonight. Just because I am prepared. But that's ok too. I now have 2 friends joining me for a pedicure Saturday morning and The Hubby's Grandparents are having their 60th wedding anniversary party Saturday afternoon. We'll see...


  1. Awwwww, Michael just called and said you were at the hospital! I'm saying a prayer for you and I'm so glad that you had all your stuff ready! *many, many, many hugs!*

  2. Well... apparently little ACC knew that she was coming in the middle of the night! Cannot wait to see all of you!


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