Good Friday - More Awesome than Holy

First... To clarify, I think being Holy is incredibly awesome. I just feel like today for me has been more awesome than Holy (not that its right or a good thing). It just is what it is.

It's like 80 something degrees outside! Usually we get our last cold snap on Easter weekend, but not this year! What a Great Good Friday! Amelia and I had a picnic lunch outside on the porch. Then Grandpa and I took her for a stroll. She fell asleep on the ride so I strolled her right inside in front of Grandma's recliner (in case she wakes up). Which brings me to the current state...

Sitting outside with a Malibu Rum-fruit juice concoction in the sunshine. It was almost worth the worst winter ever to get this kind of sunshine the beginning of April.

Would you like another drink? Don't mind if I do...


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