First Boat Ride of the Season

One of the best things about our wonderful little town is the lake around all it.  One of the worst things about our life here is the fact that we do not own a boat.  I am currently trying to get my husband to buy me a Prius Wagon.  He said I have a better chance of getting a boat so maybe there is hope.

 Saturday our awesome friends invited us out on their pontoon boat. Their daughter in Amelia's class at school and in her ballet class.  It is so much fun to see our girls play and all the grown-ups love each other too.  We are all basically pretty darn awesome together :)  Seriously, life (dinners, outings, etc) is SO much easier if your children are happy.  Our girls played until 11:30 last night and we didn't even realize it was so late because they were having so much fun... so were we.  The night included an afternoon boat ride, docked for a little play time and dinner then back to the house to solve the world's problems over beer and Lionel Richie.

This was Annie's first boat ride. She stayed awake the whole time and seemed to love it.

 Amelia wanted to drive

 These girls love each other. Every time I take a picture I think "this could be in their senior slideshow" I really hope they are lifelong friends.

See how precious they are!

The one good thing about the lake being low is that it makes for a great redneck beach

We weren't planning on the girls swimming in the lake in April but it obviously wasn't that cold. Luckily the red mud came out of the brand new Lily Pulitzer dress Amelia was wearing

 Post-swim Subways for dinner

We have had a rough run lately.  Between Annie's constant congestion, Amelia being a fabulous 2 year old, VERY little sleep and Ben traveling, this Mama has been EXHAUSTED. I tell you, being a Mama of two little girls is something I wouldn't trade for the world, but these past few weeks have about done me in.  This weekend was exactly what I needed.  Daddy was home, the weather was perfect and we spent a lot of time as a family.  Thanks to our sweet friends for adding to our perfect weekend. 

Also, all four of us made it to Sunday school and church today.  It was so good to be there!  Our sermon was on Love in Action.  Remember that Jesus does not have a body on this earth except for ours.  Love others as He would.  You are His mouth, hands and feet to others.

Speaking of love.... how much do you love this picture? I pray these girls are always be close and truly love one another always


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