Ms Snack

My husband affectionately calls me "Ms Snack".  This is because I am almost always walking around with something to eat in my hands (even if it is just a baby's fat cheek)  Today we went to Publix which I have realized we frequent much, much too often. On a recent trip Amelia asked why Ms Judy, the sweet cashier we love, wasn't working and she asked Mr Albert, our favorite bagger, if he wanted to come to supper at our house.  Back on point, today we went to Publix and surprise!  Bing cherries are back.  They are such a guilty pleasure.  Guilty because I feel terrible about paying $6.99 a pound for anything, but they do bring me such pleasure.  Tonight I am enjoying them with another amazing snack, Special K cracker chips, and red wine. Daddy is on his last week long business trip for a while, Amelia is at Grandma & PawPaw's and Annie is asleep.  I'm just here snacking with my buddies, the Housewives and Bethenny.
Word to the Mama!

Speaking of an affectionate husband, we have a DATE NIGHT on Friday. Whoop Whoop!  Amelia is with Grandma and PawPaw and Annie will be with Nana and Pa.  I plan on eating with both hands and having grown-up conversation with the man I love.  What will we eat?  What will we talk about?  Will I be able to stay awake past 10pm??


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