A Soggy 4th

It seemed the only party favors we would be getting this July 4th was rain and frizzy hair. Plans of being out on the boat all day in the sunshine then a night of fireworks just was not happening.

Atlanta kept announcing that rain or shine their fireworks were still on. Since the idea of staying cooped up in the house with the kids for 2 days had me seeing DFACS reports we decided to get out of the house! We cashed in some of daddy's hotel point and we were off to the big city.

We spent the afternoon at the children's museum then went back to the hotel for dinner in the room and indoor swimming. We were right on top of Lenox mall. Watching fireworks from the window in your pajamas and going straight to bed is the way to do it.

It was rainy but it was awesome! Staying in a hotel always seems fancy and fun!

I made these fun 4th of July shirts with a little help from Pinterest and Amelia.  The shorts were from last year.  Holiday shorts you can wear 2 years in a row... score!
They are so cute! 


Living a Daddy's dream ;) 

Amelia is super excited to be at the hotel. 
Annie is just upset she is having to share a chair with her sister

"I love swimming inside!"  I'm sure there were children tee-teeing in it all day, but there was enough chlorine in this room to burn off your eyebrows

Watching fireworks out the window.  Awesome!  Poor Annie had long been asleep.
Annie had her first bagel and it was from Brueggers Bagels.  Yum yum! 
I had never thought of giving a toddler a bagel, but they chew on the darn things forever. Good plan mom!

What a fun little over night trip.  I guess all those nights on the road when Daddy was traveling paid off.  And we have some left for a few more trips! 




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